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15 Eki 2011

Cabalonline Resmi Forumdan Alıntıdır
Alıntı Sahibi : RatzaTM

Cabalda moblardan düşen itemlerin yerleri
Sevgili Cabal oyuncuları;
Nevareth Chronicles bölümünde Elmarcyboy,Samp0 tarafından açılmış bir başlık altında nerde hangi mob ve boslardan hangi droplar düştüğü ortak bir paylaşımla oyuncuların hizmetine sunulmuştur.
Bende bu listeyi bu başlığı takip edemeyen arkadaşlarımız için burda açıyorum. Elimden geldiğince güncel tutmaya çalışacağım.
Yaptığı bu güzel çalışma içinde Galaxion'a teşekürlerimi sunuyorum...
Orjinal yerden takip etmek isteyenler için başlık adresi

Bu listede gördüğünüz eksik ve hataları lütfen ilave edin.

Dungeon İtemleri…

DT Cards lvl 35 - lvl 70
Skeleton Mine lvl 35 + : Baba Yaga
Mummy Grave lvl 45+ : Bitter Leaf
Ghost ship lvl 50+ : Crag Crab, Crag Turtle, Crag Toad
Lighthouse Maze 55+ : Bugdolphy
Ghost Ship 55+, Ghost ship (party) 50+, Chimera (party) 60+, Troglo Lair (party) 60+, Zombie Infested Cottage (party) 60+: Phantom Crew
Mummy Grave (party) 70+, Skeleton Mine (party) 70+, Parasite House (party) 70+, The Ruins Of The Ancient City 75+ : Auto Cannon-op

Map parts : Lake In Dusk lvl 65

Fort_Ruina : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Muster Card : Ruina Station lvl 75

Fort_Ruina : Mechazard, Auto Cannon-Ex, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Epaullete of the Dead (B1F) lvl 85

Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Epaulette of Dead (B2F) lvl 105

Undead Ground : Vampire Servant +, Spector, Wraith
EOD B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Seal Of Darkness lvl 95

Lakeside : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Ruin : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B1F lvl 115

Lakeside : Any mob in Lakeside
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle, Cockatrice, Hexacyther, Blade Peryton, giant scorpion
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Pontus Ferrum : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Lost Island Compass: Forbidden Island lvl 125 Class rank 11

Lake Side : Tüm moblardan düşer
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer
Pontus Ferum : Tüm moblardan düşer

Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B2F lvl 125 Class rank 11

Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer
Pontus Ferum : Tüm moblardan düşer
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer

Siena’s Crest B1F: Altar of Siena B1F lvl 135 Class rank 11

Lake Side : Tüm moblardan düşer
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer
Pontus Ferum : Tüm moblardan düşer

Siena’s Crest B2F: Altar of Siena B2F lvl 135 Class rank 11

Lake Side : Tüm moblardan düşer
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer
Pontus Ferum : Tüm moblardan düşer


Epaulettes +3

Bloody Ice : Ape Zombie, Shade, Ghosts
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Green_Despair : Moscutter, Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen
Port_Lux : Phantom Crew, Peryton, Crag Toad, Flame Hound, Stone Golem, Stone Gargoyles, Dark Bladers, Bugdolphy, Crag turtle
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard, AutoCannons-Ex

Epaulette of Guardian +4

Port_Lux : Ghoul, Dark Bladers
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo, AutoCannons-OP, Mechzard, Mechmander
DT Parasite House : Plant Pantherhorn

Epaulette of Sage +4

Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird, Auto Cannon-Ex, Mechabuffalo, Mechzards
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Port_Lux : Ghoul, Dark Bladers, Bugshark+,

Epaulette of Fighter +4

Port_Lux : Dark Blader, Stone Gargoyles
Fort_Ruina : Mechamender
DT Lighthouse Maze : Bugshark

Epaulette of Guardian +5

Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird, Mechabuffalo, Mechazard, Hound-SP
DT Parasite House : Wriggle Leaf + (boss), Moscutter in DT Parasite House (Party)
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Ghost Blader, Zombie Fighter
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren quest dungeon
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle

Epaulette of Fighter +5

Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Zombie Fighter, Death Soldier
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna, fire bettle, hexscyther, cockatrice
Lake in Dusk : Orc

Epaulette of Sage +5

Fort Ruina : Mechzards
Undead Ground : Zombie Fighter, Zombie Slater, Spector
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren dungeon
Lake in Dusk : Venom Toads
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpion

Shadow Epaulette of Fighter/Sage/Guard +5

Lake in Dusk : Bosslardan düşer.

Epaulette of Fighter +6

Undead Ground : Wraith, Spector, Death Giant
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion, Lihorna, Two-Headed Hound, hexscyther, cockatrice
EOD B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer
Volcanic Citadel : Tüm moblardan düşer

Epaulette of Guardian +6

Undead Ground: Death Giant, Spector
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Cockatrice, hexscyther
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer
Volcanic Citadel : Tüm moblardan düşer
EOD B1F : Frozen Slaugher Zombie, Babayaga, Ice Ghoul Warrior

Epaulette of Sage +6

Undead Ground : Spector, Death Giants, Wraith
Forgotten Ruin : Sand Lihorn, Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion, Two Headed Hound, hexscyther, cockatrice
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer
Volcanic Citadel : Tüm moblardan düşer
EOD B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Epaullete of Sage/Fighter/Guardian +7

Lakeside : Berderk Faello
Mutant Forest : Branny (EoF+7)
EOD B1F : Legacy chests
EOD B2F : killian chest
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest, First boss (archer)
Forgotten Ruin : Second Bird Boss, Distichious Mongrel
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Last chest (Orca), Key Chest (EoG+7)

Epaullete of Sage/Guardian +8

Forgotten Temple B1F : Nebsite Chest, Chakris Chest, Orca Chest
Pontus Ferrum : Pluma, Penna, Rota

Normal İtemler…

Newbie Stuff

Nipper lug, Garlie, Mantis, Rabbithorn, Giant beetle , Troglo.

Reinforced, Iron (weapon), Red

Bloody_Ice : Scorp Lug, Scorp Lug +, Lynhorn, Zombie Maid, Zombie, Lynhorn Zombie, Lynxhorn Zombie Leader.
Desert_Scream : Red Gally, Gally Captain, Desert Fox, Desert Hound, Giant Snake.
Green_Despair : Troglo Fighter, Troglo Warrior, Dire Boar, Plant Toad, Bugzard

Iron (armor), Damascus, Coraleye

Bloody_Ice : Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage.
Desert_Scream : Black Snake, Huge Beetle, Armaku, Armaku +, Bugmender, Mummy, Mummy Blader, Mummy Warrior.
Green_Despair : Highzard, Pantherhorn, Plant Pantherhorn, Giant Spider, Huge Spider

Shadowsteel (armor and weapons), Aramid, Citrine

Bloody_Ice : Baba Yaga, Hound Zombie, Pantherhorn Zombie, Ape, Ape +, Ape Zombie.
Desert_Scream : Archionis, Archipteryx, Archipteryx +, Clay Gargoyle.
Green_Despair : Moscutter; Moscutter +, Bitter Leaf, Mosscyther.

Bluestin (armor and weapons)

Bloody_Ice : Ghost, Ghost +, Shade.
Desert_Scream : Antra Lug, Lug Queen.
Green_Despair : Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen.
Port_Lux : Crag Turtle, Crag Crab, Crag Toad, Peryton, Bugshark, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle.

Titanium (armor and weapons), Pherystin

Port_Lux : Peryton +, Bugshark +, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle, Ghoul, Phantom Worker, Phantom Crew, Flame Hound, Dark Soldier, Stone Golem, Dark Blader.
Fort_Ruina : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.
DT. Card Dungeons lvl 65-70-75 : The Bosses on the end
Lake in Dusk : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Osmium (armor)

Fort_Ruina : Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-Ex +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Ruin : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Shadowtitanium (armor and weapons)

Fort_Ruina : Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-Ex +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : Vampire Servant, Vampire Servant +, Vampire Steward.
Forgotten Ruin : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Lake in Dusk : Tüm moblardan düşer.


Undead Ground : Spectors, Wraiths
Forgotten Ruin: Tüm moblardan düşer.
Lake in Dusk : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Osmium (weapon), Lapis

Ruina Station : Invader Mecha Buffalo, Invader Mecha Buffalo +, Invader Mechazard, Invader Mechazard +, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex +
EOD B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon
Seal of Darkness : Tüm moblardan ve kutulardan düşer.
Lake in Dusk : Faello

Redosmium, Topaz

Lakeside : All the mobs of the land
EOD B2F : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Temple B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Mutant Forest : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Volcanic Citadel : Tüm moblardan düşer.
EOD B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Tempel B2F : Graydant, Reddant

SIG Metal (weapon)

Forbidden Island : Tüm kutulardan düşer.

SIG Metal (armor)

Altar of Siena : Tüm kutulardan düşer.

Mithril (armor and weapons)

Mutant Forest : Lobatums, Ectoleafs and Brannys
Pontus Ferum : Brachium
Forbidden Island : Tüm kutulardan düşer.

Craftlı olarak düşen itemler.

Newbie Stuff with +4 Skill exp/2 Slot item drop/Amp in slot

Desert Scream : Red Garlie (Matrial Helm +4 skill exp in slot)
Green Despair : Troglo (Armourboots +4 skill exp), Troglo Fighter (Battlegloves 7% m.amp)
Bloody Ice : Nipperlugs (battleboots with 7%s.amp)

Titanium (Armor parts) with Amp/+4 Skill exp/2 Slot drop in slot

Lake in Dusk : First Mobs inside (Titanium Matrial gloves with 7% m.amp)
Fort Ruina : Mechzards, Hound Sp

Titanium/Pherystin (Weopens) Max. Craft Deathblow

Port Lux : Stone Golems (Phery Orb of DB 16% dmg(no slot))
B1F : First Mobs inside (Tita. GS 36% dmg craft 1 slot)

Shadowtitanium (Armor parts) with Amp in slot

Lake in Dusk : Any Boss of the dungeon

Shadowtitanium (Weapons) with Amp in slot

Ruina Station : Any Chest/capsule of the dungeon
B1F : Any Chest of the dungeon

Shadowtitanium (Weapons) double slotted first slot rate

Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello

Shadowtitanium/******ua Weopens/Armors of Amp/Will/Deathblow/Guard/Vampiric/Destruction

Lake in Dusk : Any Boss of the dungeon
Forgotten Ruins : Sand Lihorn, Fire Beetle

Osmium/Lapis Weopens/Armors of Amp/Will/Deathblow/Guard/Vampiric/Destruction

Volcanic Citadel : Last chest (Osm. Blade 16% dmg 2 slots)
B2F : Any chest inside

ShineGuard/Mystic/Teragrace with Amp in Slot

B2F : Andreas Schultz Chest (ShineGuard Plate (WA) 7% s.amp), 7th-Troll-Chest
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Orca Chest (SG Plate 7% m.amp)

Red Osmium/Topaz of DeathBlow Max. Craft

Forbidden Island : Any chest

Mithril with Amp in Slot

Mutant Forest : Branny, Ectoleaf
Pontus Ferum :UMD-01 Brachium, UMD-02 Cornus, Trickor
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Key chests ( FS Sw.Amp Boots(Amp in slot) and Mithril Orb of amp (14% magic amp)), Orca chest

Prof. Craft Items

Shapes/Discs LVL2

Port Lux: Stone Goolem, Dark Blader, Dark Soldier, Flame Hound, Perython+, Stone gargoyle, Ghoul, Phantoms (both)
Fort Ruina: All mobs
Lake in Dusk: Pirouro

Shapes/Discs LVL3

Undead Ground : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Ruin : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Lakeside : Tüm moblardan düşer. 10 adet birden düşer
RS : Tüm moblardan düşer.
B2F : Tüm moblardan düşer. 10 adet birden düşer

Shapes/Discs LVL4

Undead_Ground : At all mobs (just sword shape), Vampire Steward+, lihorn Zombie, zombie fighters (shape lvl 4)
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpions, Fire Beetles
Mutant Forest : Ectoleafs, Branny
Lakeside : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Tüm moblardan düşer.
B2F : Tüm moblardan düşer.

CJ LV1/Aramid/SS Material Core:

Port Lux: Tüm moblardan düşer..

CJ LV2/Bluestin Material Cores:

Fort Ruina: Tüm moblardan düşer..

CJ LV3/Titanium Material Cores:

Undead Ground: Tüm moblardan düşer.

CJ LV4/ShadowTitanium Material Cores:

FGR: Tüm moblardan düşer.
B2F: Tüm moblardan düşer.

CJ LV5/Osmium Material Cores:

Lakeside: Orc
B2F : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Shadowtitanium Matrial Cores

B2F : Death Blader

Değerli Droplar

Plates of Honor

Forgotten Ruin : Tüm moblardan düşer.

Astral Board X2 - Green

Fort Ruina : Hound S-01
B1F : Zombie Fighter

Astral Board Card : Type Zero Black

Port Lux : Crag Turtle, Stone Golem, Dark Blader, Flame Hounds
Fort Ruina : Hound S-01, Mechamender, Mechazard, Auto Cannons-Ex
Undead Ground : Zombie Slater, Ghost Blader, Lihorn Zombie
Forgotten Ruin : Ancient Cocatrice

Astral Board Card : Type Zero Silver

Port Lux : Peryton, Peryton+
Fort Ruina : Mechzards+, Mechamander
Undead Ground : Ghost Blader, Wraith

Blue Bike

B1F : Legacy chest in B1F (last one), Mergaheph's Chest, Pertz von Zatellerean Chest
B2F : Kilian's Legacy Chest
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer.
FGR : Monakus Kairon
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello
Lakeside : Bloody Ogre

Bike RW3

Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Lakeside : Berderk Faello
Forgotten Ruin : all 4 bosses
Volcanic Citadel : Force Archer boss and Balrog chest
B1F : Vampire chest (Pertz), Last boss chest
Forgotten Tempel B1F : Last chest

Slot extender (High)

Lakeside : Berderk Faello
B1F : Pertz's Chest, Megaherph's Chest
Volcanic Citadel : Balrog's chest

Slot Extender (Medium)

B1F : Last Legacy Chest of the Dungeon.
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest of the Dungeon, Arthberg
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello
Ruina Station : Box after the red cannons
Mutant Forrest : Branny
Pontus Ferrum : Magnus Penna

Slot extender (Low)

Fort Ruina : Mechzard
DT Ghostship lv50 : last 3 bosses
Volcanic Citadel : Paaks (chest), Jakkr (chest)
DT Dungeons 60+ : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Volcanic Citadel : Tüm moblardan düşer.
Chaos arena Lv2 : Mergareph
Pontus Ferrum : Quadra

Plasma Coating Kit

Lake in Dusk : Troll, Ogre
Ruina Station : Tüm moblardan düşer.
B1F : Any mob or chest
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob or chest
Chaos Arena : Pluma (lvl 125-170)
B2F : Andreas Schultz Chest, Prinz Verzen Chest, Troll Chests
Pontus Ferrum : Gravis Rota, Magnus Penna
Son düzenleme:
DT Cards lvl 35 - lvl 70
Skeleton Mine lvl 35 + : Baba Yaga
Mummy Grave lvl 45+ : Bitter Leaf
Ghost ship lvl 50+ : Crag Crab, Crag Turtle, Crag Toad
Lighthouse Maze 55+ : Bugdolphy
Ghost Ship 55+, Ghost ship (party) 50+, Chimera (party) 60+, Troglo Lair (party) 60+, Zombie Infested Cottage (party) 60+: Phantom Crew
Mummy Grave (party) 70+, Skeleton Mine (party) 70+, Parasite House (party) 70+, The Ruins Of The Ancient City 75+ : Auto Cannon-op

Bu dungeon girişleri geçen updatelerin birinde kaldırılmıştı.

Perfect core low

Chaos Arena lvl 1 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Perfect core Medium

Chaos Arena lvl 1 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 2 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Perfect core High

Chaos Arena lvl 2 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 3 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 4 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 5 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 6 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Perfect core Highest

Chaos Arena lvl 3 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 4 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 5 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 6 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Slot extender (Low)

Fort Ruina : Mechzard, Mechzard+
Forgotten Ruin : Any the mobs of the land
Lakeside : Any the mobs of the land
Pontus Ferrum : Any the mobs of the land
Porta Inferno : Any the mobs of the land
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon
Chaos Arena lvl 1 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Slot extender (Medium)

Fort Ruina : Mechzard, Mechzard+
Forgotten Ruin : Any the mobs of the land
Lakeside : Any the mobs of the land
Pontus Ferrum : Any the mobs of the land
Porta Inferno : Any the mobs of the land
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon
TB1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel Any chest of the dungeon
TB2F : Any chest of the dungeon
FTB1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Illusion Castle Underworld : Any chest of the dungeon
Lost Island : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Illusion Castle Radiant Hall : Any chest of the dungeon
FTB2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Maquinas Outpost : Any chest of the dungeon
Chaos Arena lvl 1 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 2 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)

Slot extender (High)

Lakeside : Any the mobs of the land
Pontus Ferrum : Any the mobs of the land
Porta Inferno : Any the mobs of the land
TB1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel Any chest of the dungeon
TB2F : Any chest of the dungeon
FTB1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Illusion Castle Underworld : Any chest of the dungeon
Lost Island : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Illusion Castle Radiant Hall : Any chest of the dungeon
FTB2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Maquinas Outpost : Any chest of the dungeon
Chaos Arena lvl 2 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 3 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 4 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 5 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 6 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Panic Cave(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Steamer Crazy(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Catacomb Frost(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Lava Hellfire(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon

Slot extender (Highest)

Pontus Ferrum : Any the mobs of the land
Porta Inferno : Any the mobs of the land
Illusion Castle Underworld : Any chest of the dungeon
Lost Island : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Altar of Siena B2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Illusion Castle Radiant Hall : Any chest of the dungeon
FTB2F : Any chest of the dungeon
Maquinas Outpost : Any chest of the dungeon
Chaos Arena lvl 3 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 4 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 5 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Chaos Arena lvl 6 : place is Unknown(mob/chest)
Panic Cave(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Steamer Crazy(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Catacomb Frost(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon
Lava Hellfire(Premium) : Any chest of the dungeon

Değerli İtemler bölümü için biraz daha güncel olanları.. :) Aldığım Yer : Дроп в Кабале / CABAL Drop | En güncel drop listesi bu sanırım.. ^.^