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Riders of Icarus Scheduled Maintenance - Buy ROI Gold at Gold.raiditem

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11 Ocak 2018
Riders of Icarus official website has published an important notification about scheduled maintenance yesterday. According to the notes, they will be performing a schedule maintenance and the activity may last about 3 hours. Like the previous event, through maintenance the game will be added more playable things or fixed to be a better version.

- General server upkeep
- Removed Ellandfel Dungeon
- Removed Winter Decorations
- World Unite event has ended
- Festive Reindeer Taming event has ended

Removing the following event items:
- Rabbini Bomb
- Fake Gift
- Mark of Service
- Merchant's Gifts
- Elder's Gifts
- Villager's Gifts
- Unity Mark
- Festive Reindeer Mark 0ag&dg*1

Bug Fixes
- Passengers are now seated in an upright position when riding on the Snow Flower Sled
- The UI now supports the placement of up to four seal stones on Mythical equipment

After the maintenance, the content will be more competitive and attractive for its loyal players or some newbies. During the period, the server may be unavailable for all gamers. But it's worthy. Welcome to buy riders of icarus gold with fast delivery and enjoy up 5% free discounts at gold.raiditem. Feel free to contact us via live chat our customer service email.