Daimi Üye
- Aktiflik
- K.Tarihi
- 21 May 2011
- Mesajlar
- 31
- Puanı
- 1
2013/07/29 17:11:44 - [CLT] -
2013/07/29 17:11:44 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...
2013/07/29 17:11:44 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected]
2013/07/29 17:11:45 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file...
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file done
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 2) [0]
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - version: 14.1
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - [ All your game are belong to us ]
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - (1073)(Belirtilen hizmet halen var.
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Driver found, cleaning...
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - * Termination
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Load error, try again -----------
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Open service error
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Create Service OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Start Service OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Service ready
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [35][7C8FD7D2]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [32][7C8FD793]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [74][7C8FDCFD]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [AD][7C8FE1AA]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [7A][7C8FDD7B]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [D5][7C8FE4F2]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [89][7C8FDEB6]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [FE][7C8FE84F]
2013/07/29 17:11:50 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sXe Injected.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:50 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...
2013/07/29 17:11:51 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1724) injecting on PID (3064) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2013/07/29 17:11:51 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3064][hl.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:52 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2013/07/29 17:11:53 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2013/07/29 17:11:56 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -------------------
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -version: 14.1
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\Valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Active folder changed to [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** found...[22018e]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] -hooking...
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] -result...[0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [38702605]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Finish [3064]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Removing...
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** SET success
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** FS
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** UPL
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Modules OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Sync OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Scheduler done
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Chain Up & Running
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -Protocol version 47
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -Exe build: 17:40:39 Sep 15 2005 (3248)
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] - **** CMD REPLACED .-
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (2.1.7768 Release)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] -connected!
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (ATI Technologies Inc.)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [32]
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(ASUS EAH3450 Series)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(100) cl_cmdrate(105) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2013/07/29 17:12:44 - [DLL] -exit/quit the game
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [DLL] -[0]
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll closing ..
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (0)
2013/07/29 19:51:44 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1724) injecting on PID (3764) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2013/07/29 19:51:44 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3764][hl.exe]
2013/07/29 19:51:46 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2013/07/29 19:51:46 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2013/07/29 19:51:50 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -------------------
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -version: 14.1
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\Valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Active folder changed to [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\valve\vgui.dll] -> Incorrect version [417214209a421edb55c8d408a2008d5e](BLOCKED)
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - * Termination
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (0)
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - Open service error
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - Open service error
2013/07/29 17:11:44 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...
2013/07/29 17:11:44 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected]
2013/07/29 17:11:45 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file...
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file done
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 2) [0]
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - version: 14.1
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - [ All your game are belong to us ]
2013/07/29 17:11:46 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - (1073)(Belirtilen hizmet halen var.
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Driver found, cleaning...
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown
2013/07/29 17:11:47 - [CLT] - * Termination
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Load error, try again -----------
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Open service error
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Create Service OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Start Service OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Service ready
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [35][7C8FD7D2]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [32][7C8FD793]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [74][7C8FDCFD]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [AD][7C8FE1AA]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [7A][7C8FDD7B]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [D5][7C8FE4F2]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [89][7C8FDEB6]
2013/07/29 17:11:49 - [CLT] - [FE][7C8FE84F]
2013/07/29 17:11:50 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sXe Injected.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:50 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...
2013/07/29 17:11:51 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1724) injecting on PID (3064) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2013/07/29 17:11:51 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3064][hl.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:52 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2013/07/29 17:11:53 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2013/07/29 17:11:56 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -------------------
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] -version: 14.1
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\Valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Active folder changed to [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2013/07/29 17:11:58 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** found...[22018e]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] -hooking...
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] -result...[0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [38702605]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Finish [3064]
2013/07/29 17:12:04 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Removing...
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** SET success
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** FS
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** UPL
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Modules OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Sync OK
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Scheduler done
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** Chain Up & Running
2013/07/29 17:12:05 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -Protocol version 47
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -Exe build: 17:40:39 Sep 15 2005 (3248)
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2013/07/29 17:12:09 - [DLL] - **** CMD REPLACED .-
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (2.1.7768 Release)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] -connected!
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (ATI Technologies Inc.)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [32]
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(ASUS EAH3450 Series)
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2013/07/29 17:12:20 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(100) cl_cmdrate(105) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2013/07/29 17:12:44 - [DLL] -exit/quit the game
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [DLL] -[0]
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll closing ..
2013/07/29 17:12:45 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (0)
2013/07/29 19:51:44 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1724) injecting on PID (3764) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2013/07/29 19:51:44 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3764][hl.exe]
2013/07/29 19:51:46 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2013/07/29 19:51:46 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2013/07/29 19:51:50 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -------------------
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] -version: 14.1
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\Valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Active folder changed to [C:\Program Files\valve]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2013/07/29 19:51:52 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\valve\vgui.dll] -> Incorrect version [417214209a421edb55c8d408a2008d5e](BLOCKED)
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - * Termination
2013/07/29 19:51:53 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (0)
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2013/07/29 19:51:55 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 19:53:50 - [CLT] - Open service error
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
2013/07/29 19:53:51 - [CLT] - Open service error
bu hatayı alıyorum beyler yardım edin